How to Help Your Kids Turn English into the Easiest School Subject

secondry english

With English as the preferred language of communication both in Singapore and overseas, mastering the language is an important consideration for a student to do well in the O-level or IP English exams. In fact, a C6, or even higher depending on the course, is the minimum grade required in Secondary English for most students to advance to higher education. Clinching that A1 in English helps to open many doors for your child’s further education, including admission to polytechnic, JC and university.

As important as a strong foundation in secondary English is, it is still a weak point for many students in school. How do you know which prepositions to use, or the correct spelling of a less-common word? When should you hyphenate or join words together? If your child is experiencing difficulties mastering English, rest assured that they are not alone. English is often said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn, due to its many nuances and contexts. Some parts of English have no textbook rules – they are only internalised through frequent usage and may not make any sense to language learners. Fortunately, we encounter English daily in Singapore, making it easy to help your child gain sufficient exposure to the language. Take a look at several ways in which you can assist your child to excel in secondary or IP English!

Speak Good English Regularly at Home

Did you know there are some common words that almost every Singaporean pronounces wrongly? We often use words such as “calendar”, “colleague”, “flour”, “opportunity” and “Wednesday”, but are we saying them correctly?

In our everyday colloquial speech, it is often easy to lapse into Singlish or what people affectionately dub as “Engrish”. While it may be unnecessary to practice the Queen’s English all the time when speaking, it does help to speak a little more proper English to aid your child in sharpening their language skills and boost their confidence in the oral examination.

Frequent exposure is a must to become fluent in English. As such, the more you encourage proper English at home, the more your child can get used to pronunciation for the oral component, and it also improves their listening skills! Even beyond school, your child will definitely put these speaking skills to good use when going for interviews, meetings and presentations in the working world.

Encourage Avid Reading, Writing and Listening

A considerable portion of the English assessment hinges on reading comprehension and essay writing. The listening comprehension is also a must-score component of the subject, which could improve your child’s final grade by as much as 2 points. To secure that top grade in English, students must be able to score in reading, writing and listening. This is one of those aspects where simply doing past-year papers will not be sufficient to propel your child forward in their grasp of the language.

The best way to practice reading is to read widely from all sorts of media, be it books, magazines, newspapers, or online articles. For listening comprehension, it is a good idea to listen to radio broadcasts, podcasts, television programmes, and documentaries. If possible, try to get your child to watch English media without any subtitles to really enhance their listening skills. Additionally, students may tend to shy away from writing long essays, but writing more in general is a must to have an easier time with the essays. Fortunately, writing practice does not have to be limited to essays – keeping a daily journal can be a great way to start! You could even encourage your child to write their own stories or blog posts. This helps your child to improve their spelling, build a rich vocabulary and practice forming their own sentences, which will make exam essays go that much smoother. Eventually, students will be able to find their own writing style and leverage on it to craft compelling points in their writing – a sure win for any essay question.

Keep a Notebook Handy

English is full of homophones, which are words that sound similar but are spelled differently and often have different meanings. There are also numerous metaphors used in our daily lives which may sound confusing if interpreted literally. Since so much of English learning relies on exposure rather than textbook studying, your child may encounter unfamiliar words or use cases in their daily life. To make the most of every opportunity to improve their English, it can be helpful to jot these instances down for future reference. Did you know that this phrase could be used in such a context? If not, write it down and save it for later! It might come in handy to improve reading comprehension or for your child to expand their repertoire for writing.

How to Bridge the Subject Gap Between JC and Secondary School

jc economics

Students moving on to JC from secondary school will find two new subjects on their plate: JC Economics and General Paper. These are two important subjects every JC student needs to excel in, but unfortunately, some JC students end up struggling with them. Students may find the heavy content gaps too difficult to manage without the correct study techniques. Without prior knowledge of economics or general paper, how can one bridge the gap and transition smoothly from secondary school to JC? Let us look at what each of these subjects is about.

JC Economics

JC economics teaches students about the economy in the real world, which is extremely relevant and a must for any student looking to go into business, marketing, or even entrepreneurship. Economics is available as a H1 and H2 subject, with the H2 syllabus comprising microeconomics and macroeconomics. The final exam comes in the form of three essays and two case studies, which students will have to familiarise themselves with.

Economics is all about managing supply and demand. More than just finance, economics teaches us about opportunity costs, resource management, and how some countries can sustain a thriving economy amidst inflation. These are all relevant real-world issues that can form the basis of many conversations among peers, colleagues and superiors.

Why learn economics? Well, economics is a valuable subject that can be used later in university and at the workplace. In fact, JC economics helps students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, teaching them important analysis methods that will come in handy when they move on to work life. Even if you do not plan to pursue a career in business, studying JC economics will help you to be relevant in any job by providing a deeper understanding of the working world. Almost every JC student will end up taking economics, either as a core subject in the arts stream or the contrasting art subject in the science stream, so economics has become one of the expected subjects in further education and the workplace.

JC General Paper

Is it true that it is impossible to study for General Paper? You may have heard that even with JC General Paper tuition, it is difficult to fully prepare for GP, creating a source of anxiety for many students.

GP aims to cultivate an awareness of the world we live in and the current political, economical, societal and historical issues the world is facing. A wide variety of real-world topics are covered by GP, ranging from historical events to 21st-century controversies such as social media and environmental issues. While it may have been possible to memorise and regurgitate model essays for secondary school, JC-level GP essays require a higher level of thinking, understanding and evaluation. GP tests a student’s maturity of thought, capacity for independent reading and research, and communication skills. It consists of two papers, the essay and the comprehension. Each paper tests a different skill set.

Although it is true that the scope of GP is wide and you may not be able to memorise any textbooks for the paper, there are several study tips that can help you stand a better chance at earning that distinction. For instance, one of the most important tricks to scoring well in GP is to hone your writing skills and drive a solid point that addresses the essay topic. Apart from knowing the syllabus, students are also expected to put their knowledge into words and answer three essay questions. In this regard, practice makes perfect – the more you write, the easier it will be to write fluently and succinctly and deliver a sound argument.

It is also important to read widely for GP, not just on Singapore’s current affairs, but also on trending topics all around the world. Even if the topic was not covered in class, being able to cross-reference a relevant situation that has happened in the real world will put you one step ahead of your peers.

What’s the Best Way to Do Well?

JC Economics and General Paper may sound daunting as new subjects for students moving on from secondary school, but they do not have to be all that difficult. Students do need to be prepared to absorb much more content than required in secondary school. To internalise all of this content, you may find study techniques such as flashcards and notes useful. Additionally, it may also help to seek aid from JC General Paper tuition or Economics tuition. A tutor can be an invaluable resource that provides you with past-year papers and also gives personalised feedback on areas of improvement in your essays.

With the correct guidance and study tips, students can rest assured that they are sufficiently prepared for the Economics and General Paper A-level examinations!