Global Mainstream P1-6 English

P1-6 Challenging English

Our Primary Mainstream English/Challenging English course prepares students specifically for school-based and PSLE formats. The course is divided into 2 main components, and, based on the student’s academic level, will include progressively more complex questions. Attention will be paid to students’ listening and oral skills every week as well, when discussion is initiated and moderated by the teacher.

Our Primary Mainstream English/Challenging English course covers:

Paper 1 (Composition)

  • Generate good stories starters, in-depth characters, suspense, climax and strong closures
  • 5W1H ( who, what, when, where, why and how) details
  • Cultivate effective use of creative expressions and vocabulary

Both picture and situational writing will be covered.

Paper 2

  • Foster good regular reading habits
  • Expose students to general knowledge
  • Boost grasp in grammar and vocabulary
  • Train understanding and answering skills in close passages and comprehension

Students will be well-equipped for PSLE with our regular weekly practices, revision test and mock papers.


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If You Have Any Question Call Us At +65 6259 0030 / +65 9722 0998 (Whatsapp & Text Only)

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